Kick off meeting for Castopod Working Group

Thanks for writing this up. It seems like all of this documentation should be in castopod itself. If we can get the docs into a good enough state, it would be a nice little contribution back to the project.

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Neat…I was able to add a “person” to the Cowg episode.

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Ok, I’m here to report a weird bug and/or user error…
If I go to and haven’t already logged in on this browser, there appears to be no way to do so. I tried guessing some URLs to get to the login or admin console, but ended up finding the invite again in my email trash and having to reset my password to get to a login page!

The correct login URL is Castopod Auth
URLs that don’t work are, for example: ,
You just get a 404.

Yeah I think there should be a login link somewhere visible. Sorry you had to go through all that! Feature request for sure.

I added a page with relevant links including the direct link to the control panel Castopod Working Group Links