Kick off meeting for Castopod Working Group

I see your reply on the Castopod activity page:

What I do see is a bug / display issue, where the profile for @cowg viewed in Mastodon shows 11 posts – when there in fact only 3 from that account! So maybe it is counting replies?

I filed a bug here locally – we’ll need to figure out how to look at upstream github issues and file them.

Ah! So…let’s get concrete at the techie layer. Castopod is an ActivityPub server. It is publishing an ActivityPub post, of type “Note”, which is the native microblogging type that Mastodon also supports. Done right, any ActivityPub client / server can read / reply each other.

What they display / when where is a bit up to the application, caching, and so on.

And, to complicate things, the “Mastodon API” is different than ActivityPub (think WordPress API which is a super set of MetaWebLog API). So there definitely end up being differences.