Canadian Tech Service Providers

As we research various tech services we can make note of them here.

We prioritize Canadian Tech Co-Ops, this page is for listing Canadian companies and services.


  • Domain registrar and DNS hosting
  • Email hosting from $2.20/month
  • WordPress Hosting from $11/month


Quebec based

  • WordPress Hosting from $1.50/month
  • Email Hosting from $2.50/month
  • Domain registration / DNS

Just learned of I can’t vouch for their quality, but they are Canadian owned and hosted. Reading their About page, they’ve been around for a while and managed the original .CA domain registrar. I recognize some of the founders.

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Thanks @aeisenberg — I made a new page to log Canadian services that aren’t co-ops and moved your comment here.

Thanks for the pointer — I think we’re going to be able to build up a great listing of Canadian tech resources.

I have a TechOps Internal thread where I talk about moving the blog but really it should teach me to put everything in members visible.

Here’s that thread

Webnames pricing seems reasonable and should be on the list for consideration.