Originally published at: AGM Tues October 3rd, 2023 4-5pm PST - CoSocial Community Cooperative
Come to our inaugural AGM. We are very excited to hold our very first AGM.
Register to attend here: https://lu.ma/frnzki9y
Save the date for the first AGM, with formal notice and the full AGM package to follow!
In the meantime, let us know:
- If you have interest in joining the board (we have 3 to 9 seats to fill)
- What you think our goals for the upcoming year should be
- Proposals and issues you think we should be discussing (anything formal that needs to be put in front of the membership needs to be in by Sept 15th)
- Questions you have about how the AGM will happen or how the cooperative is run.
Preparation and discussion on our Members Discourse: https://members.cosocial.ca/t/agm-prep-getting-ready-for-october-3rd/86