Becoming our own Fiscal Host on Open Collective

Just a quick note to let everyone know that all paying members will have received a brief message saying that your membership contribution has been paused.

We’ve used Fission as a Fiscal Host on Open Collective to hold funds for us and pay expenses ahead of setting up the formal co-op and Vancity bank account.

Fission is shutting down Fiscal Hosting, and so the time is now come for us to be what is called an Independent Collective on Open Collective. We hook up our own bank account and Stripe billing, rather than having Fission handle it for us.

You’ll get a message about re-confirming your credit card details so that your annual membership will get charged automatically.

We wrote about renewals at the beginning of the year:

You can, of course, choose to not renew and your membership will end on your anniversary.

We’ll update this announcement with more information as the transfer happens. Please feel free to ask questions in the comments here, or if you see some messages that are unexpected.

COMPLETED: this has been completed, and you should also be able to pay for your membership or make donations through Interac, to

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Thanks for the update.

I would like to pay my annual renewal using Interac so that the full amount goes to Cosocial without deducted stripe fees. Is that available now or should we wait for further developments?

heya @kgw, yes, this is one of the things we’re able to support now. It should be setup in Open Collective, and is our interac address. It may not yet be fully activated for auto-deposit, but it does work for manual deposits and donations.

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I have just pressed the button to resume contributions, and sent this message:

Hello everyone! After a bit of a long delay, we’re ready to press the button to resume contributions.

You will not be charged today! Right now we only do annual membership renewals: this just gets those approved again, now that we’re our own host and use Vancity.

You can also edit your payment method to switch to Interac, which saves us all some fees.

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This is good news.

I do not see the option to make my annual recurring dination with Interac. Please let us know when it becomes available - I’d be glad to choose a method that reduces your fees!

I used a link in my email to come here, but I had trouble logging in using my mastodon credential. I clicked a button that looked like
“open door icon”
and it took me to a link that started with spmething like: http://https/… which is clearly wrong, and it failed.

This is just an fyi, if you want to investigate.

(I could not reproduce it once I logged in here. Let me know if you need me to log out and try to reproduce it).


Thanks. Will check it out.

Ah yes. I think it only supports having a credit card on file for recurring. Interac is working and available, will look at documenting this.

Not to hijack the thread, but I had the same issue trying to log in after clicking the Reply button on this thread.

The “login with” link seems to be missing a : after https and the browser (Firefox in this case) is prepending http to try to make it a valid url.

The initial reason for my reply here is I wanted to report that the link I received to “Resume my contribution” sent me to an invalid page in OpenCollective. The username portion of the url was something like guest-### and I got an error message saying “This account doesn’t exist”

When I replaced this with my actual user id (from logging in to the site and looking at the url) it brought me to the prompt to resume my contribution.

But without following this link (it adds a “resumeOrderId” param), there was no way to push a button anywhere on the site under Contributions that would resume the paused contribution. The only option it gave me was to “Cancel Contribution”.

I have a feeling this is maybe better off being reported to OpenCollective itself as that url would have been generated from their side, but just wanted to mention it here incase anyone else runs into the same problem.

Thanks. I guess this doesn’t work well for people who didn’t create an OC account?

Can you confirm whether or not you have an OC account or if you remember if you did when you first signed up?

When I logged in just now I did seem to have an account, but maybe when I initially gave the contribution I didn’t and created one afterwards. It was a year ago so I don’t really remember.

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Thanks! It does match email addresses so it may have just worked afterwards.