Reading Group Restart

First session scheduled for April 2, 4:30-6pm PT (Luma Event)
See Proposed Reading Plan

Standing on the shoulders of last year’s Cosocial reading group, let’s find our way to getting this going again!

I’m looking for collaborator(s) to co-host our reading group.

We can restart with reading Governable Spaces, by Nathan Schneider. Please note that there is a “Read the free, open access edition” option at the top of that page.

I’m in because…

  • I spend much time reading or interacting with content and want more engagement with people in order to learn together, get support and be inspired.
  • Last year’s Cosocial reading group looked like fun!
  • In my experience, more democratic governance empowers groups and enhances the well-being of individuals. In today’s autocratic moment, reading this is a much needed antidote.
  • I have a lot of (un)learning to do in pursuit of democratic governance.
  • Cosocial cooperative offers a unique opportunity to actively participate in democratic governance.

What would make it worth your while to join? Reply here to let us know.

  • That other people you know and like plan to participate? Lead the way! Let us know you’re interested.
  • Would you like to co-host the series or one session?
  • Want to start with a different reading? I’ll include proposed ideas in a poll to finalize our reading selection. For inspiration, see list of potential future readings in the Future Reading Group thread.
  • Are there other aspects influencing your choice to join?

Stay tuned - will follow up for meeting availability times.


Sounds great! Glad to see you interested in taking this on @tasha.

Happy to join for Governable Spaces next!

I’m not sure I could actively facilitate sessions right now as I have a few key CoSocial tasks on the go from now until June, but I would be a motivated attendee. What I could do is: support scheduling the calls, making luma events, and ofc we will always repost / post from the @coop account.

About (un)learning: I always think of that too: it takes practices and learning to cooperate and I always feel like I’m still learning how to do it all the time

@dawn I’m thrilled you’re in! And grateful for your support.

I’d like to attend — I will read the book this week.

@swart Fantastic. Great to have you join! We can break the book up into sections and schedule a few sessions in the coming months.

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I was hoping this was going to be a fiction group, but that’s likely a separate thing.

Hey, @emd thanks for your post! Reading fiction is also an interesting idea. Would you like to propose a book? I can create a poll of reading group to finalize book selection and add proposed books to future-reads list. With any luck we can keep a good thing going!

Proposed Reading Plan

Governable Spaces, by Nathan Schneider

Session 1 – Diagnosis: implicit feudalism and homesteading
April 2, 4:30-6pm PT (Luma Event)
Read pages 1-57

  • Introduction
    1. Implicit Feudalism: The Origins of Counter-democratic Design, Profile: CommunityRule
    1. Homesteading on a Superhighway: How the Politics of No-Politics Aided an Authoritarian Revival, Profile: A People’s History of Twitter

Session 2 – Remedies: creative and liberatory self-governance
Date TBD
Read pages 58-105

    1. Democratic Mediums: Case Studies in Political Imagination, Profile: Excavations
    1. Governable Stacks: Organizing against Digital Colonialism, Profile: Modpol

Session 3 – Policy design, metagovernance and possible futures
Date TBD
Read pages 106-130

    1. Governable Spaces: Democracy as a Policy Strategy
  • Epilogue: Metagovernance

I certainly will attend. Excellent book choice.

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@tinfoiling Fantastic! Happy reading. I Look forward to our first session.